I’d like to thank all
the presenters at this year’s Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
meeting in Wichita, Kansas.
Your willingness to share your research findings with your peers was
greatly appreciated. After the
points were totaled, the judges selected the following winners:
Best Professional Paper: Dr. David R. Edds. Zebra Mussels in the Neosho River Basin.
Best Student Paper:
Scott Brack. Assessing Wiper (Morone saxatilis X M.
chrysops) Diet in the Presence of White Perch (Morone americana) in El Dorado and Cheney Reservoirs.
Best Professional Poster: Jeff Koch.
Effects of Supplemental Feeding and Management on Channel Catfish in a
Kansas Impoundment.
Best Student Poster: Michael Denk. Temperature-Dependent Feeding Rate of Four
Congeneric Minnows: Implications for Mechanistic Environmental Niche Models.
Award Committee Chairman