Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2018 Business Meeting

Award Chairman Carson Cox presented the following awards from 2017 at the 2018 chapter business meeting:

Past President Award:  Presented to Bryan Sowards
for his service as chapter president.  

Best Professional Paper:  Ben C. Neely. 
“An Evaluation of Channel Catfish X Blue Catfish Hybrids
in Two Small Kansas Impoundments”

Best Student Paper:  Casey A. Pennock. 
“Can Fishways Mitigate Fragmentation Effects 
on Great Plains Fish Communities?”

Best Professional Poster:  Jeff Koch.  
“Exploitation of Walleye in Milford Reservoir, Kansas, 
with an Emphasis on a Large Fishing Tournament”

 Best Student Poster:  Andrew T. Karlin.  
“Drought-Related Declines of the Cylindrical Papershell 
(Anodontoides ferussacianus) in the Saline and Smoky 

Hill Rivers”
(not pictured)

Scholarship Chairman Sean Lynott presented this year's scholarship winners, each receiving a $300 scholarship and expenses paid to attend our annual meeting.

Otto Tiemeier-Frank Cross Student Scholarship: Garret Hopper

Klaassen Award: Tanna Fanshier

2018 Paper & Poster Winners

2018 paper & Poster Winners Announced:

I’d like to thank all the presenters at the 2018 Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting in Manhattan, Kansas.  Your willingness to share your research findings with your peers was greatly appreciated.  After the points were totaled, the judges selected the following winners:

Best Professional Paper:  James E. Whitney:  Long-term change of a fish community in a polluted watershed: does clean water "act" on fishes?

Best Student Paper:  Lindsey Bruckerhoff: Predators and Landscape Factors at Multiple Spatial Scales Drive Fish Community Structure in the Flint Hills of Kansas

Best Professional Poster: Connor J. Chance-Ossowski:  A Comparison of Autumn Electrofishing and Autumn Fyke Nets for Sampling Bluegill and Redear Sunfish Populations

Best Student Poster:  Joshua A. Holloway:  Discovery of the Arkansas Darter (Etheostoma cragini) in the Cow Creek Drainage, Cherokee County, Southeastern Kansas.

- Carson Cox
Award Committee Chairman