Monday, February 25, 2019

2019 Paper and Poster Winners

There were many great presentations at the 2019 Kansas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting in Manhattan, Kansas (as part of the Kansas Natural Resource Conference). These meetings would not be as valuable without your willingness to share your research and management findings. We thank those presenters and encourage others to share their project outcomes at next years’ meeting.

The winners of the 2019 awards are as follows:

Best Professional Presentation
Skyler Hedden: Quantifying the predatory threat of Channel Catfish

Best Student Presentation
Elizabeth Renner: Characterizing limnological parameters in Kansas small impoundments across a gradient of Gizzard Shad densities

Best Professional Poster
Jeff Koch: Precision of age estimates obtained from sectioned and whole Bluegill otoliths

Best Student Poster
Joshua Holloway: Distribution, abundance, and condition of nonnative Redear Sunfish in the Spring River subbasin of Kansas

Bryan Sowards
Award Committee Chairman