Walleye, Esocid, and Centrarchid Technical Committees
DATES: July 26th, 2011 – Applications of Program MARK Workshop (Instructor: Dr. Bob Klaver)
July 26-29, 2011 – Joint meeting of Centrarchid, Esocid and Walleye Technical Committees
July 26-29, 2011 – Joint meeting of Centrarchid, Esocid and Walleye Technical Committees
PLACE: E.B Lyons Interpretive Center at Mines of Spain State Recreation Area, Dubuque, Iowa
ACCOMMODATIONS: A block of rooms has been reserved at the Econo Lodge and Suites in Dubuque,
Iowa. Please e-mail Megan Thul (megan.thul@sdstate.edu) if you plan to reserve a room.
Room rates are $50 per night and include continental breakfast.
Iowa. Please e-mail Megan Thul (megan.thul@sdstate.edu) if you plan to reserve a room.
Room rates are $50 per night and include continental breakfast.
Tuesday, July 26 (9 am – 6 pm) – Program MARK workshop (see separate announcement)
Tuesday evening – 6:30 pm social at National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium
Wednesday July 27 (8 am – 4 pm) – Technical Committee presentations and discussion.
Wednesday evening – 5 pm cookout at Mines of Spain Recreation Area
Thursday July 28 (8 am – noonish) – Technical Committee wrap-up and separate business meetings.
Tuesday, July 26 (9 am – 6 pm) – Program MARK workshop (see separate announcement)
Tuesday evening – 6:30 pm social at National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium
Wednesday July 27 (8 am – 4 pm) – Technical Committee presentations and discussion.
Wednesday evening – 5 pm cookout at Mines of Spain Recreation Area
Thursday July 28 (8 am – noonish) – Technical Committee wrap-up and separate business meetings.
PRELIMINARY COST (subject to change): $60 for professionals and $30 for students – Technical
Committees joint meeting, including Tuesday social, Wednesday evening cookout and breaks.
Committees joint meeting, including Tuesday social, Wednesday evening cookout and breaks.
CALL FOR PAPERS: The topic of this summer’s meeting will be fish tagging.
Other topics of interest are also encouraged, especially participation by students. The summer meeting is
a great forum for informal exchange of information about fisheries biology and management.
Other topics of interest are also encouraged, especially participation by students. The summer meeting is
a great forum for informal exchange of information about fisheries biology and management.
Submit the title and topic of your presentation with your meeting registration by June 15, 2011 to Donna
Muhm (see email below). Presentations will be allotted 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and
transition and should be sent to Donna Muhm in PowerPoint format by July 15, 2011.
Muhm (see email below). Presentations will be allotted 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and
transition and should be sent to Donna Muhm in PowerPoint format by July 15, 2011.
Please register by June 15, 2011 with Donna Muhm, Donna.Muhm@dnr.iowa.gov Meeting fee will be
collected at the door (cash or check only).
collected at the door (cash or check only).
Chair: Jonathan Meerbeek, jonathan.meerbeek@dnr.iowa.gov
Immediate Past Chair: Rodney Pierce Rodney.Pierce@state.mn.us
Chair: Jonathan Meerbeek, jonathan.meerbeek@dnr.iowa.gov
Immediate Past Chair: Rodney Pierce Rodney.Pierce@state.mn.us
Chair: Mark Kaemingk, mark.kaemingk@sdstate.edu
Chair: Mark Kaemingk, mark.kaemingk@sdstate.edu
Chair: Andy Jansen, andrew.jansen@ksoutdoors.com
Chair: Andy Jansen, andrew.jansen@ksoutdoors.com
Chair-Elect: Paul Christel, pchristel@cheqnet.net
Immediate Past Chair: Justin VanDeHey, justin.vandehey@sdstate.edu
Secretary/Treasurer: Donna Hanen Muhm, donna.muhm@dnr.iowa.gov
Immediate Past Chair: Justin VanDeHey, justin.vandehey@sdstate.edu
Secretary/Treasurer: Donna Hanen Muhm, donna.muhm@dnr.iowa.gov